Reiki By Roshi Cure


In early February 2017, my grandma was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer that already spread to her bones. We were all shocked and could not believe that this was happening. The doctors said she was not eligible for chemo therapy and prescribed very expensive medicine on a five-year plan with no guarantee of any results. Another Dr. said we should start preparing for the worst. We had hope that there must be another solution. Fortunately, we met Roshi, Reiki Master, who offered his services to help cure her cancer and relieve her pain. I am so glad that she did Reiki treatments regularly with him and each week, her cancer cells started going down. After only 6 months, she is now cancer free! We are so grateful to have met Roshi and for the reiki cure that truly was a miracle, and my family highly recommends it to everyone. -Stan M.

Reiki By Roshi Cure

Broken Pelvic Bone 

In July 2017, I had tripped and fallen in an elevator and ended p breaking her left pelvic bone where I could not walk on my own after the fall and needed my families help to get by. The Dr. said there is nothing that can be done to heal this injury, and it can take 3-6 months to heal on its own even with physical therapy. My friend introduced me to Reiki Master Roshi, and he was so caring and genuine in explaining the benefits of Reiki, and how it can help me cure my broken pelvic quickly. I decided to give Reiki a chance and just two weeks later, without any medication, I was able to move on my own and all of the pain was gone. Within one month, my bone was healed, and I did not have to get any physical therapy. Thank you so much for all your help and your reiki services!- Tamara Y.

Reiki By Roshi Cure

Without Surgery

​Хочу выразить свою огромную благодарность Мастеру Рэйки , Руслану , за помощь в моем исцелении посредством дистанционных сеансов энергии Рэйки ! Ситуация была такой, трещина в коленом суставе, с опусканием чашечки. Тщательное обследование показало, без операции не обойтись, и последствия после нее не совсем радужные. Но мне повезло . Меня познакомили с Мастером Рэйки Русланом буквально за четыре дня перед операцией, и решила попробовать что это такое, хуже явно бы не было. Не знаю как у кого, но после первого же сеанса мне стало легче,и так я проделала четыре, результат меня поразил, отек стал гораздо меньше, и не было такой боли в ноге, и само самочувствие было другое. Я поехала к доктору, и отказалась от операции. Когда у меня проходили сеансы Рэйки, ощущение были, через гипс !!!! Что твоё колено штопает много игольная машинка. После снятия гипса, я стала ходить, с фиксатором колена , и продолжала делать Рэйки, и по тихонько разрабатывать колено. Через три месяца я ходила свободно, но и разрабатывала я его ежедневно.Я получила хороший результат , ещё и потому , что выполняла все рекомендации. Когда человек хочет стать здоровым , то он своими мыслями, и действиями помогает исцелению.Ещё раз благодарю Руслана и Рэйки за исцеление !!!- Татьяна н

Reiki By Roshi Cure

Chronic Migraine Headaches & Ulcers in my Stomach,

Multiple Myeloma, Two Nodes in my Thyroid Glands

I would like to share my experience with Reiki and how it helped me heal in many ways, From my childhood I was having a chronic migraine headaches that was challenging my school work and my daily life, within the years taking lots of medications that wasn’t not treating the concepts of my headaches but to lower the pain for a while to menage my life it created ulcers in my stomach that was giving me lots of spasmodic pain and food intolerance, I came a cross with an extraordinary person that has a God given healing gifts, Master of Reiki energy who explained to me how energy can have a great healing power over health issues. I started my treatment with Roshi, After a month and a half of my Reiki sessions. I went for second endoscopy and was very happy with the results, that my ulcers was completely healed. A few years later I had an impact car accident. After that accident I was undergoing with a lot of post accident tests showing that my spine had a multiple budged herniated discs and multiple myeloma, I went to get the epidural injections on my spine, but afew months later my pain remained. I started my treatments with Roshi again, after a few months I went to get a Pet scan; results showed that my spine issues were gone and healed. Also the doctor discovered that I have two nodes in my thyroid glands that one was 2.8 cm and the second one was smaller sized, I continued my treatment with Roshi doing Reiki energy healing once a week for six months. And later went for an ultrasound of my thyroid glands and my bigger nodule was shrinking from 2.8 cm to 2.2 cm, it showing that energy sessions have a great power of healing abilities to treat abnormal issues of the body. I am very great full and happy that in my life I met a person of dignity who believes in Reiki principles and powers in healing, I highly recommend him as a great master of Reiki energy, who helps and heals variety of health issues, I continues my treatments on a regular basis, and I will definitely share with you again of my health improvements, with respect Zoya A.

Reiki By Roshi Cure

Motorcycle Accident

Broken Ribs & a Detached Collarbone

I was riding my motorcycle to the gym when I stopped at the stop sign and looked no one was driving my way and I tried to ride out when a trucker drove out of nowhere coming my way and in a split second I jumped off my motorcycle and fell on the concrete road. The trucker crashed the bike and I suffered four broken ribs and a detached collarbone. The doctor told me it will take eight weeks to heal. I knew needed a fast recovery and couldn’t lay at home for eight weeks. I heard of master Roshi’s reiki healing abilities from one of my friends. I called and asked him to come to my residence to heal me. I couldn’t move and I was in a lot of pain and the medication was not helping. After the first session I felt the pain was manageable and felt the discomfort less. I continued every day for a week. And on the eighth day I went back to work like nothing happened. I was amazed how fast reiki healing worked and the recovery process was seven weeks faster. I highly recommend Reike by Roshi! - Yuri I 

Reiki By Roshi Cure

Miracle Breast Cancer Healing Story

I want to share my miracle breast cancer healing story that I had. Thanks to Reiki and Master Roshi healing I am able to share this story with you. 

I was diagnosed in September 2018 with stage 2 breast cancer, after extensive research, I decided to have surgery but not to do chemotherapy, so 

I complement my healing process with holistic treatments.

I had to change my life into a healthy lifestyle and I was enjoying my life and feelings great, but at the beginning of October of 2019, I started to have a lot of pain and tenderness, burning sensation and some sharp pain in my breast again, I knew this was a bad sign and I Immediately knew I wanted to treat myself naturally. I went to get tested and the tests showed that again I needed surgery. 

And I thought about Reiki, but I didn’t know anybody that did it , One day I went to Yellow Green Farmers Market and there it was Roshi’s flyer, I contacted him and I started to see him two times a week, by the second visit I felt something was different in my breast , and from then on every time I saw Roshi the symptoms were disappearing little by little , including my tiredness. It took 7 session total to feel back to normal which is very impressive to say the least...

I need it to have proof that what I was feeling was real so I decided to have a thermography breast test and the results confirmed what Roshi and I knew. 

And that I am healthy again and there is nothing going on in my breast .

I am forever grateful to God, And to Roshi for his companionate heart , His generosity and amazing intuition to know what I really needed emotionally, physically and spiritually... Roshi not only assisted me to heal my body, He pretty much unblocked all my emotions making me feel relieve, Lighter and with a new will power to continue creating my own realities. Pilar C.

Reiki By Roshi Cure


After my moms suffered a stroke I contacted Roshi immediately and asked him to work on her every day by photograph because my mom lives in New York and she was  laying in the hospital and wasn’t moving or talking and wasn’t able to respond. Roshi started sending reiki healing energy and after the third season my was able to talk and respond and communicate with out any issues. My mom asked to contact Roshi by video to thank him personally for helping her to get better and recover fast so that she can start living her life normally. We had a very good experience with my mom’s post stroke recovery. Thank you very much master Roshi. Martha Y.